Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Growing A Natural Crystal Chair

Growing A Natural Crystal Chair

You might remember growing crystals as a science project back in school. Well, Japanese designer Tokujin Yoshioka didn’t forget so he grew natural crystals to form a chair! It is called the Venus Chair. He created it for his exhibition, Second Nature in Tokyo later this month. He wanted each of the artists participating in this event to ”convey the mysterious power of nature and life”. His vision of fusing technology with nature is why he called his exhibition Second Nature.

Growing A Natural Crystal Chair

The designer grew the crystals on a sponge like form set in a tank filled with a super concentrated solution. The above picture is his pilot chair grown in a smaller tank before he advanced to the full scale model. Making crystals takes a lot of time but the results are spectacular. The chair may not be functional but it is a great piece of art.

Growing A Natural Crystal Chair

Growing A Natural Crystal Chair

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